Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kids Say the Cutest Things

Just this past week izzy boy has surprised me with saying some of the cutest things. On Monday as I was catching up on one of the few t.v. shows worth watching (Oprah of course) izzy boy ran to the door and was attempting to open it. So I asked izzy boy "Hey and where do you think you're going monster?" Izzy looked at me and said mommy I go work on the ambulance. So as I tried hard not to laugh I said oh, ok why do you want to go work izzy? Izzy then replied by saying so I get monies to buy candies and diapers. Later in the week Izzy came to me holding a closed fist and tried to put it in my hand I said thanks izzy whats this? Izzy replied by saying burried treasures mommy here you go.
After hearing my son say these cute things, i felt a sense of gratitude that I've been able to spend a lot of time with izzy this summer. Its things like this that make it hard to go back to school especially since I start this Monday, knowing that durring the days a head I might miss special moments like these with him. However, I know that by finishing my education, will in the end be most benefical for my family. Thats when I just have to keep saying that sometimes we do the things we have to do so we can do the things we want do.- (Denzel Washington)


Andrea F. said...

Gina...Iam so happy you started blogging!! I hardley get on myspace now this is my new obsession!! Izzy looks so stinkin cute with his new haircut he looks ilke a little handsome!! HOpe all is doing well you n the family...I'll talk to ya laters!!

~~*MeLinda*~~ said...

hey "g", haven;t heard from you in a while, so nice to know you are still ALIVE!! Izzy is getting so big, and i see he got a hair cut! Hit me up sometime--luv me

Mike and Noel said...

CUTE! I want to meet your little boy!