Sunday, November 2, 2008

Random things about me....

1.) I like to cook despite not being very good at it. Most people when they know that they're not good at something stop and try something new. Nope not me in this particular case. I just keep trying because I'm tired of spending money on fast food that isn't good for any of us.... soo I just keep on it. Although I must say that I'm doing well at breakfast foods:)

2.) I keep tweezers in my car. I do this because my skin gets major irratated when I get them waxed and I break out BAD really bad. So I'm a plucker kind of a gal and I do so everyday when ever I'm at a red light, or picking up my husband from work and have to wait for him. Strange, perhaps but its better than having a uni-brow.

3.) My favorite holiday is halloween. I suppose this stems from my childhood when I missed out on trick or treating several times due to being sick. However, I love everything about it the decorating, carving the pumpkins, going to haunted houses, and getting all dressed up. Plus I love the idea that everyone well almost everyone gives out free candy.

4.)I've never been to a major theme park. Yup soo true my parents weren't much of travelers back in the day, and so I have never been to Disney Land/World or anything. Its my goal to do more traveling and take Izzy to places I wish my parents did.

5.) Even now that I'm older when I see a shooting star I still make a wish on it. lol

6.) I'm still paranoid about sharks in the ocean. No matter how many times I've been in the ocean I still get uneasy about sharks. Statistically I realize that the chances of being attacked are slim but if the experts say sharks look for and attack injured sea life animals, well then compared to most good swimmers/surfers I'm definitely the "injured" looking one.